Angelic Divine Update Dec 16, 2020

Angelic Divine Update:

Beautiful Souls, the Angels have some messages to share with you.
The Angels are showing there is divine light shining through every city and every town. Everyone will receive a touch of this light. The Angels have heard your prayers and they would like to remind you that you hold the brightest light within yourself. Listen with your heart and you will find all of the answers to your questions. Let go of worry in your heart, for that only shrouds your full attunement of divine intervention.
This is a time to embrace your divinity and enjoy your divine gifts. Each one of you will be asked to assist and share with others. This may come in the form of sharing time with loved ones, assisting your neighbors and communities, or sharing your light with others as you fully tune in to your own inner guidance. This collective light will continue to raise the vibrational frequency of Mother Earth. You will soon notice that the days and evenings will seem much brighter than ever before. This comes as the awareness of the collective consciousness bringing in the light.
The Angels advise you to look upon each day with the eyes of a child on Christmas morning, with wonder and excitement. This is a time to embrace Love and Joy in your heart. Have the openness to assist others in need no matter the differences nor their openness to receive.
The Angels would also like to advise you to take time each day to do something comforting for yourself. Comforting and nurturing yourself is a key component to being in your bliss.
Sending much light to you all,
Carrie Ann